Friday, December 16, 2011

FINals FINally FINished

NOW IT'S TIME FOR FUN FUN FUN!!! Tomorrow I'm off to a Stake youth committee meeting breakfast, did I mention it's at 8 in the AM? Good thing I'm grounded from using my car until I clean Jamie's room, and the breakfast is through the fence an two houses on the right. It should be a nice wake up call. anyway 'm done with my finals (with 15 minutes till the stroke of midnight) and have a new found freedom. I even want to clean my room. Which is much needed. Anyway... I'm tired so... hasta la vista, Ciao, au revoir, ลาก่อน, さようなら, hopefully I didn't miss a language anyone in my family know. So BYE... for now

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cute looks

Today (with the help of my friend Kirsten) I managed to look cute!!! So here's the out fit.
Jacket, Shirt, & Jeans from H&M (provided by Shi)
Scarf is from Ecuador
The belt is stolen from Jamie's room.

Also we had a party last night and watched Sydney White. I Love that movie!! Amanda Bynes is so funny and great.

Tonight one of my friends is in Christmas Around the World  at BYU, then I'm going to hang with my friend Alexi and we're going to watch modern family.

I saw my shrink today and he said I'm in the normal range of a college student and we're both proud of that.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Perm anyone?

So yesterday I got a spiral perm. It looks pretty cool. Here are some pictures from my adventures.

This was last night when I got home.

This is today's do.

Note to self: next time left it dry in curls.
Also can't shower till tomorrow night. this will be interesting.