Friday, December 16, 2011

FINals FINally FINished

NOW IT'S TIME FOR FUN FUN FUN!!! Tomorrow I'm off to a Stake youth committee meeting breakfast, did I mention it's at 8 in the AM? Good thing I'm grounded from using my car until I clean Jamie's room, and the breakfast is through the fence an two houses on the right. It should be a nice wake up call. anyway 'm done with my finals (with 15 minutes till the stroke of midnight) and have a new found freedom. I even want to clean my room. Which is much needed. Anyway... I'm tired so... hasta la vista, Ciao, au revoir, ลาก่อน, さようなら, hopefully I didn't miss a language anyone in my family know. So BYE... for now

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cute looks

Today (with the help of my friend Kirsten) I managed to look cute!!! So here's the out fit.
Jacket, Shirt, & Jeans from H&M (provided by Shi)
Scarf is from Ecuador
The belt is stolen from Jamie's room.

Also we had a party last night and watched Sydney White. I Love that movie!! Amanda Bynes is so funny and great.

Tonight one of my friends is in Christmas Around the World  at BYU, then I'm going to hang with my friend Alexi and we're going to watch modern family.

I saw my shrink today and he said I'm in the normal range of a college student and we're both proud of that.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Perm anyone?

So yesterday I got a spiral perm. It looks pretty cool. Here are some pictures from my adventures.

This was last night when I got home.

This is today's do.

Note to self: next time left it dry in curls.
Also can't shower till tomorrow night. this will be interesting.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Like most other kids when I was younger my parents provided piano lessons. Like most kids I quit. I regret it all the time. I wish I could play the piano. I'm good at staring at the notes and counting to them to figure out the song then memorize the song. Today I figured out we have the Hymns Simplified I played the piano for 2 hours. I almost have the song well known. I tried to read the notes while I was playing too because memorizing a song won't help me in the future. Anyway our piano is really old (built sometime between 1897-1907) It's a Vose and Sons From boston established in 1851, I know this because it has the logo on the front. my grandma bought it for my mom when she was learning to play the piano. My parents had it re-string-ed/refurbished when we lived in Chicago. It has real Ivory keys and it's SO cool! I love it. Anyway I like to play the piano even though I'm the the best or really decent at playing it. But I enjoy playing. Here's some pictures of the great masterpiece!

 The middle section tilts to let more sound out! It's great also for nativity sets.

 These are the legs. The craftsmanship is gorgeous!  I love this piano!

this is a close up of the work on the top part of the Piano.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So turns out this scholarship we've been fighting for for the past 5-6 months, it was decided I was eligible for. Bad news: need a B average (3.0 GPA) to renew it. It's like half of my semester's tuition. So Guess where I'm going to be when I'm not at school or the stable? Studying. I need a B to pass. I think I would have been more into this semester if I knew I needed a B average when I started. So I have to at least go a letter up in 2 classes and 2 letters up in 1 class. anyway. So yeah. Note to self. work harder even when you don't think you have anything to do, because there may be something to loose when it's almost too late to change it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Horse Major

I can get 2 diploma's online for horses. Horse health and Horse grooming college and they're free. I can't believe it. This is so cool! I'll probably start working on it thanksgiving or Christmas break. Maybe i'll do them both spring and summer semester.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Emotionally drained

I am so emotionally drained right now. Not going to lie, I woke up at 8:30 went to a chem review, came home and watched netflix majority of the day. watched some emotional movies which didn't help. besides the fact that prescription pain killers make me really emotional. I get to wear my boot again because my foot doesn't fit in a shoe. a lot of drama has gone into my regents scholarship. I;m moving on with my life. If you want to watch a good movie (it's emotional, at least i was emotional) it's called "listen to your heart" you can watch the trailer (<-) here.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

A great day

Yesterday I went to work and I got to clean up manure, brush off Poka, then we saddled then up and went on lovers lane from 3300 N. to about 4100 N. it was so much fun. It only took like 15 minutes. Poka has had hoof problems, she's been trimmed too short which they been correcting and she currently doesn't have any shoes on. So we start going up the pavement to the trail head and she start limping for no reason. then she stumbled a couple times. turns out when she walks super slow she stumbles. so that was fun. She also doesn't like her cinch tight so the saddle kept slipping to one side. But It was a fun ride. It always make me so calm.

After work I went to a chem study group. It was originally with two guys one of them went to a volleyball game. But the one who keep poking me in class or nudging me, or playing with my stuff and every time I acknowledge him he just says, "hi, sorry, or excuse me" we finally had a conversation.  It was so nice. Although sometimes I think I say stupid stuff. like a lot of the time. Originally I sat 3 chairs away from him, then 1 chair then I sat next to him. That was fun. It was cool learning and talking.  So it was a great night.

double whammy

So I guess I got stabbed in the back again yesterday. I applied for the regent scholarship which they denied me and I appealed, so did dad. Then it turns out two other Utah powerhouse parents kids got denied as well so Curt Bramble, (Utah senator) which is a good friend to dad has been looking into it and they found I was worthy of the scholarship. they called Diana west my principal twice and both times she denied that I was recognizable for it. I had more then enough credits and she said I retook one class (which I didn't) so I wasn't eligible for it.  Way to cover yourself up. It's all about thing I don't value, lying, kissing butt, coming out on top. Yeah I got an honest education, I worked for my grades, i was in school 9 hours a day for 4 years. I was valedictorian, had the most credits, best GPA, 4 years of seminary. I like Science and Math more then History and English. I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed that you've gotten this far in life, and that even though you didn't think I was most likely to succeed in my graduating class. I'm glad I'm at college and I could fail two classes, but I'm taking 17 credit hours, I'll most likely have 2 A's and one B, maybe two C's. And I'm fine with that because that's the grade I know I deserve and that shows how must effort I've been putting into my studies. I'm succeeding for me, and that person has made me stronger all the other times they've put me down and I've proved them wrong. But I didn't lose friends, because they can't stick up for me. Sometimes it hurts because I stuck up for them so ling, and I don't get the same favor, but at least now I' being honest with myself about who I stick up for. I'm not sad I stuck up for them, just disappointed that I didn't get the same courtesy.  But I am so thankful for those that do stick up for me,  I hope I can do it you you one day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Look how much I've grown

looking back I think if someone told me 3-10 years ago I wouldn't have anger management issue 3-10 years later. I don't think I ever would have believed them. It was a choice that has made a huge difference in my life. It was one of the hardest things to change at first because Whenever I was frustrated it's like all control would burst and I couldn't control myself. Sometimes now when I'm really stressed I cry, or when I'm really nervous I get antsy and sometimes upset. I think one of the hardest parts was just dropping whatever task made me frustrated and coming back to it later. But I'm happy that I don't have huge tantrums and and freak out uncontrollably.

At the same time I feel like I've turned somewhat into a recluse. I know I've written before about my trust issues. But I know my being a awkward, not really talkative person drives some people away. I know my family would say they never usually hear me stop talking, but I know compared to when I was little I feel like I talk hardly at all. Sometime I feel like when I meet people I say too much for a simple question, and I regret "hogging" the conversation. I've tried so hard to really work on listening to what other people say. I know I can't recall all of what people say, and usually who said it now that I talk to a bunch more people (like 20ish).  I know I'm not the best or even a great conversationalist. I know my being a recluse has led to me being unable to pick up on social ques, verbal and physical.

I think ballet helped much more then I could've ever imagined. I hope my teachers know how much I appreciated them. They knew how to get through to me, to get me to stop talking, focus, express my emotions with my body. I think Ballet saved me. I was talking to a family friend yesterday at lunch as she said "ballet made you come alive!" I nodded then thought about it realizing I didn't really understand. so I asked and she said it gave me determination, and focus.

I know with horse back riding when I was younger it was SO SO hard for me to trust, just riding, going over jumps, just riding with other animals around. It wasn't that anything was wrong with the horses or the teacher it was just me, I needed something and I know the horses probably trusted me more then I deserved. But it taught me a lot about trust. I'm glad that I can build that trust now with horses. I missed those horses so much. I poured my love into them and it was so devastating when I couldn't do it anymore.

Since I had foot surgery I can't do much. Today I realized how much I missed dance when I started think of combinations and marking them on campus while I was walking to class. I love my dance friends. We spent so much time together over the 3 years I danced. They knew me for me, it was a family so much of the time. Trust, love, respect.

I know "finding me" is hard sometimes. I think "who am I?" "how much of my own person am I?" "how many people know the real me?" Especially with the last one. It's not that I don't tell the truth to people because I do. Sometimes I think I annoy people with how much I say. Even though it's just the basics of my life. There is a huge wall that is up. It's not a fake wall where I tell everyone lies, but it's protects me, and my thoughts, and my heart, and everything that I wish people would know me as and for. I know it would be easy to say "just let them in then, tear the wall down." The truth is, it's such a struggle for me, to be honest (not that I would lie), to know if I tell a person something they won't walk away, that they won't tell anyone (unless it would harm me to have them not tell anyone and get help), That I could have a good time, and laugh, but also have a serious conversation.

I wish sometimes people would be forthright (straightforward and honest) and pick up that I'm not picking up on them and whatever they are or aren't doing, and say "I'm doing this, this mean this"If they even wanted to add in an explanation for why they're doing it, it would be easier.

I feel that I also make my self more vulnerable.

  A little more self explaining. Why I have a hard time letting people touch me. I first heard of this hormone a could years ago on the radio. Oxytocin, is released by skin-to-skin contact, and it creates trust. Some smart people said, "In humans, oxytocin is released during hugging and pleasant physical touch, and plays a part in the human sexual response cycle. It appears to change the brain signals related to social recognition via facial expressions, perhaps by changing the firing of the amygdala, the part of the brain that plays a primary role in the processing of important emotional stimuli. In this way, oxytocin in the brain may be a potent mediator of human social behavior.
“That’s why oxytocin is sometimes called ‘the love hormone,’”said MacDonald. “It’s said that the eyes are the window to the soul…they certainly are the window to the emotional brain. We know that the eye-to-eye communication—which is affected by oxytocin—is critical to intimate emotional communication for all kind of emotions – love, fear, trust, anxiety.”"

There's a interesting tidbit of information. So yeah. I normally don't let people touch me. When I was assistant director of my high school play and i was stressed out. A boy who I've known 3-4 years was in the cast, I was somewhat venting, looking like I was about to cry. He came and just embraced me in a hug. It was a comforting hug, that I needed so badly, I ended up hugging him back and it was a probably a 30 sec -> 1 minute long hug. I don't know how he knew I needed a hug, but it made a huge difference. I learned when people hug me I probably need it, and I should just relax and trust them. Because they can tell if I'm tense and then that makes it awkward. Truth, I'm not used to people touching me. I let my siblings, nieces/nephews and some select friend hug me. But I don't hug that often.

I grown in patience too. But seeing how long this is I should save it for another time. I hope you could follow my train of thoughts with not too much difficulty. Anyways. This is it for now.

Good pains

remember how I mentioned I rode a horse on Monday? well that was the first time sense the beginning of July. I don't remember being this sore. Maybe I'm a wimp. But I have rediscovered muscles I felt in ballet. It's totally worth it though. I love riding horses.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

words of advice

Today I was told "try not to break too many hearts." So yeah. that was fun.

Back in the saddle

Yesterday when I got to work and I got my tasks I was very happy to ride out today would be the day I might get to be back in the saddle. I cleaned the field, Poka came to see me first and was nosy. Lacey wasn't paying me any attention till later. We caught and brushed the horses off, Poka has a swollen spot on her back, She and Lacey also gave themselves mud bathes. Then saddled them up, normally I'm just longing her, or have her follow my speed. So we started with her following me yesterday because she was in a bad mood. Which turned out well. Then my boss longed her a little, then she got on. she showed me how to turn with leg commands and how to work her bridle. Her bridle is different, it doesn't have a bit, it has live a metal H that goes under her jaw, so I have to work the reins super lightly. Which is hard to get her to slow down because I'm not supposed to pull that hard. But other then that her bridle is that same.

So I got on (granted I've only ridden like twice in the last 5-6 years). I got warned she might rear or buck me off. So I could only put my toes in the stirrups and i had on like new hiking boots. So if I needed to evacuate my saddle it would be easier, which made it somewhat harder to ride. We started on her bad side, which was good. my boss told me to be careful of 2 plastic chairs outside the arena that might spook her. they didn't. Then we switched directions. She told me I could trot. so I did, using all my English riding technique of up-down. Then I slowed her to a walk, and something happened on the street behind me with a weird noise and she spooked. I was so calm, she took like 4 steps and calmed down. but then because she's a horse she made Lacey all spooked, and she wouldn't calm down as easy.  These horses aren't used to the arena, so it's hard for them anyway. Then I turned around and went the other way again. She did good. I was the calmest I've ever been. I know your supposed to be worried thinking I'm on a 3 thousand pound animal that could react to anything and I have to be ready. But I know they pick up if I'm antsy and nervous. and the ride felt so much different because I was calm. It was good. my boss kept asking how I felt about it and I honestly felt good about it, I don't know how she felt about it. 

I love my job! It's so much fun.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Oh Man! I love my job! That doesn't even describe how much I love my job!  Yesterday was my 4th day at work and it was a blast. I love my boss. She's funny and she trusts me, for the most part. she's very direct in what she says which is nice. Normally I go over and I am on clean the manure out of the field. Then I bring the horse (I work with) in, and brush her and saddle her up, and lounge her. Usually she goes out and get her other horse and we brush them both, and then her horse Lacey with just be tied up outside the barn, or we'll work both of them in the arena. which they aren't really used to. but yesterday she had to clean off her boat and tractor, so I got to take Poka (Polka, poke-a not sure how to spell her name) out and brush her and Lacey was so antsy and running up and down the pasture. She was freaking out. so i  put her in the stall while I brushed off Poka. And Poka she's 17 and cinchy. She also has weird sores on her feet, sits in her hips all the time, and her farrier a while back was weird and trimmed her too short so she's been getting new shoes every couple weeks during the summer to fix it (with the new farrier).  Also She's really patient, she has no rules for personal bubbles, but her and lacey like to follow me around. Sometimes if they're in my way I'll walk somewhere opposite of where I want to be then run back. They eventually come back. But it's fun.

Yesterday was a good day for Poka. she was calm, and was trying her best not to bite, or be antsy. Which was hard, because she has an electric wheelchair around (which she isn't used to), there were loud noise going on like a power washer and some crazy loud motorcycles. It usually gets tough when I brush her. she's got sensitive skin but she loves rolling in the dirt so I use a metal and hard plastic curry combs. she's getting better for me to read, and normally I talk to her while I brush her. Then I brush her mane. Then comes the saddle blanket, and the saddle. Understand she is a big horse. The chest straps on her saddle she's been using takes all but one hole on the side and barely reaches the cinch/girth. The cinch is usually hard to do, but yesterday she tried so hard not to bite and she was great. She's also sensitive where the cinch goes which makes it tough to tighten it. but she would grit her teeth and turn her head the other way instead of trying to bite me. I love this horse.

On Monday when we were working her right side (being on the inside), she got spooked so we worked a little harder on it (which was also her harder side). It was weird yesterday she was really responsive on that side, she doesn't like to go out and tries to trick me and go the other way. but she did good. It got to the point near the end where I could just make sounds and she would change speeds (walk-trot, trot-canter/lope, lope-trot, trot-walk) and I wouldn't have to say, "easy, giddy up, lope" the one i did have to say was "whoa." she's a great horse. I don't have pictures but i'll try to peice together what they look like for you.

also when Poka is in my way I can put by hand on her noise and say, "back" and click and she does it. Lacey doesn't really do it. 

 Chesnut-ish color white a white blaze
Her mane is a lighter color though.
 She also has 4 small white socks.
if you don't catch her the first time you go into the pasture, good luck.

Lacey ->
Black witha white star
loves being in your personal bubble.
gets antsy
loves apples
can smell any horse edible food that has touched your hand even if it's no longer there.

Anyway I got a 65% on my second American Heritage test and only studied like 6 hours. which is 1% better then I did last time when I did most of the readings.
I got a 66% on a chemistry test, which I thought I failed. I studies do hard for that test though and I got 2% better then the first test I took in that class this semester.
I have a Book of Mormon, Calc, and Chem test next week. it's going to be a fun week. anyway that's the update.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

new things in life

So I went to see a therapist on tuesday, it was fun. I learned i'm kinda messed up but then again that's nothing new.

Also I signed up for 18 credit hours next semester. although I don't know if i want to drop Japanese or not. depending what my horse schedule is like. I tried to make my days pretty open. so it will look like,

But yeah if I drop it then i have 5 free hours during the day. and this is also 18 credit hours, and if i drop it it goes to 14. also physics 167 is only offered in the winter semester and at one time. so that's lame. but the class sounds cool.

anyway I learned how to do church indexing tonight. it's pretty cool. i did 55 people in under like half an hour.

Friday, October 28, 2011

something crazy

So I may or may not have just signed up for my crazy high school teachers writing 150 class. I love this teacher to deaf she is histarical, and crazy. I can't wait for next semester.

also studying for chem is way fun!

Don't judge me, but I got a 71.4% on my MC math 122 portion. That's amazing! I'm really happy, and it was without a calculator. and I rocked the free response section!

Now to just get down orbital and molecular geometries, dipoles and polarity, and gas laws I will be good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Boy Dilemma

I say boy dilemma not a boy dilemma mainly because there is more then 1 boy.

So I've gone on like 3 dates with boy number 1. He get's the door, (car and other doors), pays, picks me up/ drops me off. real nice fellow.

Boy number 2 has helped me with chemistry homework a couple times. pretty much just friends.

Boy #3 is boy #2's friend. He keeps "bugging" me, well not in a while. but he plays with my hair in class, and we tease each other.

Boy #4 is 2 & 3's friend (all are way smart). He's super nice. He's respectful, he laughs, I don't feel all that awkward around him, he can teach me chemistry (haven't tried calc yet), he's a good listener (for what I can teach him in calc). Have done labs with him & 2. He gets excited over little things, like weird holes in a wall that when you rub your hand really fast it makes weird noises.

 In all, all these boys are smart, cute, nice, respectful men. They're all getting ready to go on mission in the next year. guess I'll be busy writing. huh?

For now me and Stew are friends. we haven't really talked sense homecoming. but yeah. He's my best friend.

Honestly i like college, and I can somehow find all the smart guys in my classes or they find me. oh and today 2, 3,and 4 were all kinda fighting over sitting by me in chemistry. I like life. anyways. The end for now. I should be studying for a test.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Remember how I said I know a lady who knows a lady with a horse stable. I'm meeting her in 25 hours and 55 minutes and I'm really excited!!!! So excited I feel like jumping up and down. But I'm not going to because I'm inside the BNSN. Oh and I have a atom sky ball. p.s. it's the coolest thing ever.

dating or lack thereof and some other stuff

So last year I went on probably 4 dates the whole year. This year within the first 9 days of my birthday I've have 3 dates, and 2 study dates. That equals 5 dates. I think I'm getting on the something. Dating is fun.

Also monday when I got home from school my friends birthday present i ordered had arrived (i'd been waiting like 1.5-2 weeks for it) So I was pretty excited. Also I haven't gotten her a present in the 12+ years I've known her. So I went to pick up my other friend who I consulted on the project, and when I got to her house Vocal Point was almost about to perform on sing off so I went inside and watched it. They performed footloose. It was pretty cool. Then was the exciting part taking her the present. So I drove over there and we go inside, and she open the wrapping paper (it was also in a paper bag). then she open the paper bag and I get the biggest smile ever! A real salt lake Chris Wingert jersey. yeah I win "most considerate gift ever." So the gist of this story is I prayed about a birthday present, and I got it, and Yeah. exciting story.