Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back in the saddle

Yesterday when I got to work and I got my tasks I was very happy to ride out today would be the day I might get to be back in the saddle. I cleaned the field, Poka came to see me first and was nosy. Lacey wasn't paying me any attention till later. We caught and brushed the horses off, Poka has a swollen spot on her back, She and Lacey also gave themselves mud bathes. Then saddled them up, normally I'm just longing her, or have her follow my speed. So we started with her following me yesterday because she was in a bad mood. Which turned out well. Then my boss longed her a little, then she got on. she showed me how to turn with leg commands and how to work her bridle. Her bridle is different, it doesn't have a bit, it has live a metal H that goes under her jaw, so I have to work the reins super lightly. Which is hard to get her to slow down because I'm not supposed to pull that hard. But other then that her bridle is that same.

So I got on (granted I've only ridden like twice in the last 5-6 years). I got warned she might rear or buck me off. So I could only put my toes in the stirrups and i had on like new hiking boots. So if I needed to evacuate my saddle it would be easier, which made it somewhat harder to ride. We started on her bad side, which was good. my boss told me to be careful of 2 plastic chairs outside the arena that might spook her. they didn't. Then we switched directions. She told me I could trot. so I did, using all my English riding technique of up-down. Then I slowed her to a walk, and something happened on the street behind me with a weird noise and she spooked. I was so calm, she took like 4 steps and calmed down. but then because she's a horse she made Lacey all spooked, and she wouldn't calm down as easy.  These horses aren't used to the arena, so it's hard for them anyway. Then I turned around and went the other way again. She did good. I was the calmest I've ever been. I know your supposed to be worried thinking I'm on a 3 thousand pound animal that could react to anything and I have to be ready. But I know they pick up if I'm antsy and nervous. and the ride felt so much different because I was calm. It was good. my boss kept asking how I felt about it and I honestly felt good about it, I don't know how she felt about it. 

I love my job! It's so much fun.

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