Monday, June 27, 2011

Serious Flaw

If you want to know my Kryptonite here it is. I have an issue that I have to please people, put them before myself. I have to make everyone happy. I'm a people please-er. When something goes wrong and I realize the mistake was on my part I cry. Yep I cry and I'm 16. you can laugh if you want. but it's true. in the last 36 hours this has happened twice.

Yesterday it took me and hour to put a baby seat in the car, and I started crying because I couldn;t understand half of the stickers on the thing and I didn't want my little Niece to get hurt because I couldn't manage to secure the carseat in, and my parents are crazy drivers sometimes.

Today I was supposed to meet my young women leader and try on a dance costume and I ended up at the complete wrong location (RB BYU) when I was supposed to be at my church building practicing. I cried 1, because I was late (got to the church 30 minutes late). 2, I left all my stuff at home (Which Jamie so kindly brought to me). 3, The miscommunication was on my part. 4, my dance partner had somewhere to be at 5 I think and was late getting there thanks to me.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I am so excited for next (this coming) weekend!

1. My sister S*, her amazing Husband D* and they precious baby Z* are coming to town!
They live out of state so it's hard to see them more then a couple of times a year.

2. My brother T*, his loving wife K* and their darling kids E*, O*, and S* are coming.

3. My WHOLE family will be together in one place at one time and it's not even Christmas.


= Big family Party

Forgot something

Oh No, I forgot one of the other greatest moments from my trip to Ecuador We (Me, Sofia, Jerry, Shannen, Libby, Jasmine, Carlos? (our Ecuadorian amazon trip person)). It was So much fun! I loved playing with the little kids on this indian tribe.
They were so cute! I miss Ecuador.

another favorite moment was when we went to the natural hot springs in Banos. One of my teachers pointed out how body image didn't matter, everyone was accepted and no one commented on how big or small a person was. It was great being in a open minded place.

Friday, June 17, 2011


So I recently discovered that the sport I hated in Jr. High I have come to love in my last couple months of high school. It's crazy how interests can grow and change over time. Who would've thought that a ballerina would turn into a Goal Keeper? I sure didn't.

I also went to prom.

Full dress view
my date Tyler
I gave a speech at graduation (I also wore a clown suit)

Speech titled "Never give Up"
Clown Suit
Each student has a few things said about them by a teacher

then I graduated from high school!

Then I had an almost all nighter and a soccer tournament the next day!

Walden Soccer Team 2010

Then I went to Ecuador the next morning at 3 for 2 weeks!

We met up with the kids going to Jamaica in Miami (Jace and me)

in the top of La Bascilica de voto natcional

on the way out of Quito

Laguna Quilotoa
Playing soccer with local kids after school in Chugchilan (Andes)

Riding horses in the Andes (my horses name was Primavera and our horses were very competitive for being in the front)
Me and Steph (Teacher) by the oldest tree in Cloud Forest

Marcy, Rae, and me in the back of a truck going to Banos
Outside Puyo at a monkey Reserve and rehab center

In the Amazon there is this stuff in the river that is a natural facial mask
"Welcome to the light" waterfall
no comment

in the truck going to visit a local native tribe

they paint your face with a natural growing berry and it lasts for a couple days

the group with the tribe
the party bus that took us to the amazon and back

visiting the "Equator"
visiting the Equator
on each side of the equator
Then I came home and got my seminary graduation certificate (diploma?)

and got my Drivers Lisense!!!

and a paper from the state!

and went to soccer camp (and met some of the best people on this planet)

My team and coach Lauren who was way more then nice to me for starting soccer one month ago
My amazing (GK) coach Mac who is amazing!

Other coaches I played, for/against/with. It was a fantastic week and I learned SO much! They are such great examples!

I'm so Grateful for the Opportunities I have. I am so fortunate to do and have so many things that other people could only dream of having. Never give up. It's as simple as that. It's not easy just worth it. Go for your dreams, do the things you love. It's never too late to do what you love.