Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So With all of everyone else in my family I get to join the surgery club in 14 days... ahh. Just found out this morning. My foot has been hurting more lately which I guess it's good i'm getting it fixed but the pain is that their breaking my foot to do it. It doesn't relly help that it's a genetic problem (thanks mom you know it's your genetics cause were both getting the same surgery on the same day). The only Idea i dont really like is the sedative. i'd much rather be awake and numb then be put to sleep. I know that sounds gross. Like those shows when people wake up and can't see, or they wake up during surgery. I just dont want to sedative. The reason the surgery is so soon is because school is starting and I'm a lazy butt for 2 weeks after the surgery and wearing skinny jeans with a boot is uncomfortable, and the nice weather is almost over. The bright side is I amused the man "shadowing" my podiatrist. pretty much what they do is cut off the top fourth of your (top round part) or your(my) 1st metarsal then shift it close to my foot and saw off the bone to make it smooth.

Let's face it I'm way nervous. and I dont want to take the prescription pain medications because I pretty much have to take pain meds (e.g., ibuprofen, tylenol, etc.) everyday I do something laborsome (that's a word that may or may not exist, but if it doesn't it does now). So I think I' just gonna go a pill up on my pain meds even though the doctor doesn't reccommend it.

just saying. I hope some of my word entertained you a bit. on the bright side of all of this I get a handicapped parking things so students at BYU look out I'm riding a razor scooter and parking close to the building.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


So Because I'm awesome I decided to add another class to my schedule this fall, which means i'm taking 17.5 credit hours... don't shoot me. this is my schedule... I'm crazy I know. But I was thinking about how much I love sign language. the only problem is BYU only offers 6 classes where as UVU offers like 4 different majors... I might be going to 2 colleges at once if that's possible. So what I'm thinking is... get a crazy cool science or something degree from BYU and then I'm thinking of majoring in Deaf Studies or BA in ASl and Deaf studies education which means you teach classes in ASL grades 7-12. Cool right?
Grandpa Ostler would be proud (I think). Then I can help people (Like I really like to do) and no one's life will be in my hands (hopefully). So yeah. P.s. Although it may be late I'm thinking soundly and logically. in case you were worried.