Friday, October 28, 2011

something crazy

So I may or may not have just signed up for my crazy high school teachers writing 150 class. I love this teacher to deaf she is histarical, and crazy. I can't wait for next semester.

also studying for chem is way fun!

Don't judge me, but I got a 71.4% on my MC math 122 portion. That's amazing! I'm really happy, and it was without a calculator. and I rocked the free response section!

Now to just get down orbital and molecular geometries, dipoles and polarity, and gas laws I will be good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Boy Dilemma

I say boy dilemma not a boy dilemma mainly because there is more then 1 boy.

So I've gone on like 3 dates with boy number 1. He get's the door, (car and other doors), pays, picks me up/ drops me off. real nice fellow.

Boy number 2 has helped me with chemistry homework a couple times. pretty much just friends.

Boy #3 is boy #2's friend. He keeps "bugging" me, well not in a while. but he plays with my hair in class, and we tease each other.

Boy #4 is 2 & 3's friend (all are way smart). He's super nice. He's respectful, he laughs, I don't feel all that awkward around him, he can teach me chemistry (haven't tried calc yet), he's a good listener (for what I can teach him in calc). Have done labs with him & 2. He gets excited over little things, like weird holes in a wall that when you rub your hand really fast it makes weird noises.

 In all, all these boys are smart, cute, nice, respectful men. They're all getting ready to go on mission in the next year. guess I'll be busy writing. huh?

For now me and Stew are friends. we haven't really talked sense homecoming. but yeah. He's my best friend.

Honestly i like college, and I can somehow find all the smart guys in my classes or they find me. oh and today 2, 3,and 4 were all kinda fighting over sitting by me in chemistry. I like life. anyways. The end for now. I should be studying for a test.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Remember how I said I know a lady who knows a lady with a horse stable. I'm meeting her in 25 hours and 55 minutes and I'm really excited!!!! So excited I feel like jumping up and down. But I'm not going to because I'm inside the BNSN. Oh and I have a atom sky ball. p.s. it's the coolest thing ever.

dating or lack thereof and some other stuff

So last year I went on probably 4 dates the whole year. This year within the first 9 days of my birthday I've have 3 dates, and 2 study dates. That equals 5 dates. I think I'm getting on the something. Dating is fun.

Also monday when I got home from school my friends birthday present i ordered had arrived (i'd been waiting like 1.5-2 weeks for it) So I was pretty excited. Also I haven't gotten her a present in the 12+ years I've known her. So I went to pick up my other friend who I consulted on the project, and when I got to her house Vocal Point was almost about to perform on sing off so I went inside and watched it. They performed footloose. It was pretty cool. Then was the exciting part taking her the present. So I drove over there and we go inside, and she open the wrapping paper (it was also in a paper bag). then she open the paper bag and I get the biggest smile ever! A real salt lake Chris Wingert jersey. yeah I win "most considerate gift ever." So the gist of this story is I prayed about a birthday present, and I got it, and Yeah. exciting story.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Love for horses

have I ever mentioned I love horses? Maybe not. Well I love horses. They're beautiful animals. Well In my ward boundaries there is a horse stable and one of my previous Sunday school teachers is really close with the owner, so I emailed her and asked if they need a stable hand or whatever, just to get back into the horse scene. So she talked to the owner and I'm in!!! Wahoo!! I'm so stoked! I could literally jump up and down and dance for hours. Anyway so she's we're setting up a time for me to meet her. I'm SOO excited!!!! anyways I'm also reading this book Sometimes a Woman Needs a Horse. It's about how The Lord uses horses to teach us stuff. It's a really good book.