Thursday, August 29, 2013

Proud new owner of....

So after working with microscopes and computers for the last month I've noticed that sometimes after I've been working for a while I have to refocus the microscope and play around with it a bit. So yesterday i went to the wonderful Dr. Dunn and it turns out my eyes have trouble reading together. Mystery solved. Today after work my mom and I are going to pick out some cute classes. I will post some pictures later (Most likely an instagram).

The diagnosis is Exotropia:


Friday, August 23, 2013

Weird Story

Yesterday while I was hanging out with some family friends I got some calls from a number I didn't know around 7 pm. I noticed around 9 pm they left some voice mails so I listened to them and this lady was saying how she just got in a car wreck and it sounded like she had on-star or something and it kept beeping. But she was telling me her name and the other drivers name and their numbers and her insurance information or something. I had no idea what to do so I looked up the area code and it turned out to be from Seattle Washington. So I called the Seattle Cops (non-emergency number) and I talked with a cop and he said I should probably call her back and say she had the wrong number but not to give her any of my information. So I did that and I haven't heard back. I hope everything's okay.
The end of my story.

Also yesterday I got to dress up in a tutu for a cute 3-year-old and I was happy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Missionary and life update

I am meeting with the Stake President and the Bishop on Sunday to submit my papers and I'm so excited.

Everything is working out and I know the Lord has a unique plan for me. This year has been full of prayer, hard work and faith. I can't wait for fall semester to start because I'm studying bugs in a entomology class, entomology lab and I'm working with one of the coolest professors ever studying bugs. My professor and I met on Monday after trying to meet since beginning of June. As part of doing research I will be getting credit for it that goes toward my major. Which is amazing because I was just trying to "Kill a semester" with enough credits to continue working but this contributes to my major. After this semester I will have to complete 10 more classes and 12 additional hours on top of that plus some generals. My professor mentioned that If the next four months go how were hoping for them to go,  He will help me get a grant and work on my own project when I come back from my mission. How cool is that?

The only downside to my entomology class is the textbook was over $200. But If I use it for a long time the cost will even out.

I don't know if I mentioned that I got a job in another lab that works with my professor I went to Kanab and Spanish Fork for. I'm looking at bugs and seeds there. This semester is going to be great.

I will probably open my call 6:30PM (Mountain time) on Sept. 4th via Usteam or Google Hangout.