Sunday, October 7, 2012

Changes are good :-)

There are a couple things happening this weekend. First, The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) announced that women can go on missions at 19 instead of 21. This was announced the day before my 18th birthday. I want to go on a mission and it may not happen the day I turn 19. But i'm going to start praying about it and studying. Also Brad Wilcox teaches a mission prep class and I can register for class for next semester in 22 days. :-) Going on a mission when I am 19 also means I could be for my mission for the last 11 of my best friends Stewart's mission. Wouldn't that be cool?

 Then I cut my hair off, like all of my hair. (I didn't shave my head) but It is super short. I like it, and I still don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror. But it is easier to do my hair, there is no damaged/permed hair connected to my head.

I turned 18 today. It so crazy. it doesn't even seem like I can be this old. I finally found someone who has the same birthday as me. But even if I never did I know my ward buddy Courtney King would be the best day older than me - birthday buddy ever! We have been in the same ward for 13 years. It is crazy.

I am working full time and going to school full time and there never seems to be enough time to do anything. But I love staying busy.

I got to see Shiloh and Zara this week. She is so big. All of my niece and nephews are so big and so smart and I am so proud. I love them. :-)

My great friends Kenzie is dancing for Utah Regional Ballet and they has a performance last weekend and she was so fantastic!

General Conference was this weekend and it was so good! My favorites included:
Pres Monson - saturday announcement and sunday morning talk
Jeffrey R. Holland -Disciples and fishing - sunday morning?
Richard G. Scott- genealogy - sunday afternoon
M Russell Nelson - "The missionaries can help" - Saturday morning
"There is always repentance" - ? glasses and white combover?

There is another one from yesterday but I don't remember which one it was. 

It also got down to 33 degrees last night in Provo, burr.

Jamies also came over yesterday at 5am after she'd been throwing up all night and slept right in front of the new, big tv. and I got to go to the sotre to get her stuff. Happy Birthday to me!

My brother Taylor and his family just called and sang happy birthday. They have a great chorus over in burbank! :-) then I got to speak to Emily, Olivia and Simeon and got descriptions on Sundances' face. It was a great phone call. :-) It's been a great weekend! :-)

Friday, June 1, 2012


I don't think I realized how much my family siblings especially don't really care about gender roles. We get together and get the job done. Not to complain but I sometimes don't like misc because they think I can't help out or lift something heavy well I can, and i'm better at logistics a well  too. I don't think the boys at my work get that.I know the boss wanted us to be careful girls especially but I can do things Gus can do and I know i'm the youngest but i'm also one of the fittest people here but i'm a anyways I kinda showed them up.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

efy medley

All rights for this song go to Michael R Hicks Copyright Arrangement 1999. 

Women As sisters in Zion,
we'll all work together;
The blessings of God on
our labors we'll seek.
We'll build up his kingdom
with earnest endeavor,
we'll comfort the weary
and strengthen the weak.
we are daughters of
our Heavenly Father who
loves us and we love him.
Yes, we love him.

As sisters in Zion,
we'll all work together;
The blessings of God on
our labors we'll seek.
We'll build up his kingdom
with earnest endeavor,
we'll comfort the weary
and strengthen the weak.
AND we are daughters of
our Heavenly Father who
loves us and we love him.
Yes, we love him.

As sisters in Zion.
As daughters of God.

We have been born
as Nephi of Old
to goodly parents
who love the Lord.
We have been taught
and we understand
that we must do as
the Lord commands.
We are as the army
of Helamen.
We have been taught
in our youth.
And we will be
the Lord's missionaries 
to bring the world his truth.

As sisters in Zion,
we'll all work together;
The blessings of God on
our labors we'll seek.
We'll build up his kingdom
with earnest endeavor,
we'll comfort the weary
and strengthen the weak.
We have been born
as Nephi of Old
to goodly parents
who love the Lord.
We have been taught
and we understand
that we must do as
the Lord commands.

BOTH We are as the
army of Helamen.
We have been taught
in our youth.
And we will be the
Lord's Missionaries
to bring the world
his truth.

Women As sisters in Zion.
Men A marked generation
Both  As children of God.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


So I had a "intervention" with dad on saturday night, then leave it to my best friend to be bored out of his mind and save me. :-) We had a great night and i'll post about that another time. I got a pinterest so follow me if you want . I have to write a research paper tonight about sound and acoustics. due at 10 am tomorrow. I'm really excited about it. Will add those later. anyway It was my nieces 1st birthday yesterday and everyone reading should be jealous because she is adorable all of my nieces and nephews are. :-)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fun day

Today, I'm going to visit my best friends so I'm really excited! the best part is they moved and my dad doesn't know where their new house is. :-)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

past done

So according to my mom my dad doesn't think I've done anything wrong. So of course she told him because she tells him everything (door thin my door was locked) he came and knocked, I didn't respond "Sam" still not responding, knocks again "Sam, if you don't answer I'm going to take the lock off your door tomorrow while you at school" I'm so happy were back to this game of threats. the worst part is even though my door was locked I still felt threatened and had to hid under my bed. way to be mature right? I 'm getting tired of lying to myself, it's probably not going to get better. and I don't think he feels threatened by me. I don't think that's why he never spends time with me and why he treats me the way he does.

I think the reason I love the mountains is because you either have to love the mountains or love the person/people your with to seclude yourself to a place with no internet, no/some phone service and you have to be fit to do it.  I wish I was in the mountains. I don't know why I let myself put up with all of this, seeing is it was one of the reasons I've wanted to move out for my whole life. Who was I kidding when I thought it was getting better.

get my own car
own insurance (car & health)
get apt/move out
be independent


For New Beginnings tonight the theme is DOTS "Depend On The Savior" I'm really excited. :-)

Best Friends

After yesterday I changes my desktop picture from

 (taken at HP7.1 premiere)
If you don't know this is Stewart. He's my best Friend. We've known each other for  7 (starting 8) years this coming fall, which is crazy. We have stuff in common and he's great. I trust him with  my life. He is one of the people who I can tell anything and everything. So for daily reminders (that some people respect me and like me for me) I thought this would work.

I soon might add

 Kenzie, Hilary, Jasmine, and Me after BYU's
Theatre Ballet The Snow Queen
 Kenzie, Hilary, and Me after BYU's
Theatre Ballet Cinderella 
These girls are amazing and I love them! They are great friends. :-)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

under the/my bed = sanctuary

I'm (was) typing one handed under my bed no judging. for starters I don't know what my dads problem is. He has been way obnoxious lately like more so then usual. (written last night)

 If you're asking yourself why are you under your bed? I might respond like my dad is being a jerk and I know he's too fat to look under my bed and wont bother.

The (main) story starts yesterday when I was home and my dad coming down for lunch after I back from school, test taking, and lunch attending. He was telling me all he was going to eat and I asked him to save me some of the leftovers from Sunday (shishkabob bar), I don't him I didn't really care what he was eating for lunch. Then he saw my cookie from my lunch and was like "whose cookie" "mine, dont eat it. " "I'm going to eat your cookie." so he warms his food up and comes and sits down where I am and starts to eat. But he chews with his mouth open and it's so annoying and I've told him before and he makes a big deal that he doesn't make noise when he's chewing but he does and it's loud and annoying. So he finishes and tells me he's going to the doctor I say "I really don't care" and he says "why are you being mean?" "I'm not being mean I just don't care" and I'm trying to watch TV and your making all these phone calls (taking about moving stuff  in the garage for a guy to check the heather and how you're going to the doctor then getting rock salt before you put every thing back) from the couch and you talk during the commercials. I like to watch shows in quiet. Sorry I don't like you butting into my life when I'm trying to relax and you don't try to get to know me in the best way and almost every time I need something from you when you're watching the TV I'm completely ignored and you don't even know or your upset because I'm making noise and it's bothering you. So he says"clean up the hallway"

I go upstairs because I was tired and fell asleep on the couch and he calls the house phone then hangs up. he calls again and it rings but I'm in my room on the far side and usually people call for you so I wait to see who the caller id says it is before I start to move and I don't get there in time but I answer the machine and you don't talk. then I call you back and you don't answer because you're calling my cells phone which is in my room and too deaf to notice the "incoming call" noise and so I go open the door because that's usually what you need when you call and you mentioned getting rock salt so then I go to the bathroom then you call again and I miss it so I call you back and you say "come to the garage and do the rock salt" (in a demanding tone) so I take a Cutco knife out to cut the bag and the first thing you says is "if you use that knife you owe me a new one?" "we open boxes with this knife and it's fine" "that knife is forty bucks I'll take it our of your money" "fine" (I accidentally cut my hand walking out of the office trying to answer the phone on a picture frame so it was bleeding) so then you got made at me and demanding it's all my fault and you called the phone 5 times and I explained he hung up 2 times and then called (pretty much the story above in not so many words) and then he got mad and was threatening to take my phone away and how I should take a phone into my room and I said how on earth am I supposed to know when you're going to call. if you want me to answer call my cell phone first because it's usually with me. Then you start taking about how you're going to slap my face because I'm not treating you well and I'm the one getting berated and then you demand I help you more when you clearly said you were the one going to do the rock salt, and put the garage back when you say do you want to do the garage or put the car back I say none because It's not my mess (and I called him last time the closet was open to get more rock salt and you didn't respond so I waited 3 hours and I put it back) and I wasn't going to help and you told me to give you my car keys.

So I went inside and moved all the stuff from the hallway into my room and curled up on the couch and my room and cried because it  hurts, I don't deserve to be treated this way. I wanted to spend time with people who make me feel happy, who want to be with me. I thought about calling my brother but he was probably at work, and my sister in law didn't have a car and could have been busy.The only way I'd be allowed to leave was if someone came and picked me up because if I took the car he would probably call the cops and report it stolen. I just wanted a hug but I don't want people to go out of their way for me, I don't want pity. I just wanted a hug. I thought of texting Stewart or Kenzie but they were probably busy and they live in Bluffdale so it's a bit of a drive. then I would need a ride back. I thought of calling my young womens leader but i know she had a dinner last night. And my bikes tires are flat and I would have to go back through the house into the garage to get it.   I originally just crammed under my bed for above stated reasons. then about 40 minutes later I cleaned out under my bed and then I had all the room under my bad except for I cant roll over under my bed so it was hard but I stayed under there for 4 hours after I snuck downstairs to get my headphones. there isn't much to do under a bed with limited space. So I went under there about 4 and stayed under till about 8. My mom brought me food at 7 which was nice and the worst part my dad didn't even come to apologize.

So I'm not going to talk to him until he apologizes (in person and he comes to me). I've had enough. I know Jamie is the favorite, and I don't know what I did to be the stress reliever,  the one who the anger always get taken out on.  I know his dad was a major in whatever branch of Military but he isn't. He doesn't have a reason to treat a person like that anyway. There is no way I'm going to let him treat me like that because I've had enough of it. As a person I don't deserve that. The one thing I want above all else is to be respected and I'm not. I'm yelling at him because he yelled at me for no reason. I wish I cared what you did but I don't because of past experiences. I like keeping my life private because you tell the whole world about my life and I don't want you to and I've told you over and over. You lie to everyone and always blame your sour mood on me for what because I don't stand around to get treated like crap to take everything you throw at me? I fight back because I'm worth more, I'm sorry you don't see my reason for me defending myself because you lie to everyone and somehow "it's always my fault" even when joking around "everything's always my fault" and I can see you think there is truth in the statement and it hurts. Every time you swear at me and threaten to hurt or take something away it hurts and it breaks me, I feel so broken. I wish I could have gone to the barn yesterday because who knows maybe it wouldn't have happened. I want to be loved and respected, I want to feel wanted for being me not because there is a job that needs to be done and I'm too fat to do it myself even though I told people I would.

So why under my bed? It feels safe, I know you wont look there, as long as you have no idea I can still fit it's my safe place. If I can't leave the house because I'll be reported as a runaway or driving the car "you bought for me." You take over the whole house, I'm kind of a big person to hid. I want to feel safe. I hate feeling threatened. It makes me feel like crap when someone treats me like crap. It breaks my heart that I couldn't do more to let someone love me. I couldn't prove to be worth their love and respect. 

So because you've only apologized to me twice in my entire life and you shrugged them both off I'm not going to accept it. If you want my respect you have to prove it. I'm sorry I cost so much money, sorry I'm not your servant and I don't treat you like you walk on water. I feel like you treat workers fairly in Shadowbrook, but when it comes to me I feel shafted. I feel like you don't want to know me because you've never put aside the time to. If I want your help with something I always have to repay the time you spent somehow, as if spending time with me, getting to know me isn't enough. When I was little I used to accept how you sometimes treated me because "I was bad" and that's how all the "bad" kids were dealt with. I never realized how punished I was for all the tiny things I did that should have been learning experiences. Maybe I acted out to get your attention because that's the only time I'd get it was when I did something "bad."

My only wish is that I could love you as my dad, and as Heavenly Father loves you because right now it hurts too much to try. I put in and effort and I thought it was getting better. I don't know how the tables turned to fast. It hurts for me to get slapped in the face emotionally, physically, mentally. I can't do it. I don't want to fight but I want protection. I don't feel like they're empty threats you're saying because I've known you for almost 17 and a half years and I know you loose control real fast. I can't be a "punching" bag anymore. I can't be your release anymore. Everyone knows you're fat, you can't run, you don't go to the gym. I wish I could be my siblings kids because they adore their kids. They teach out of love. The punishment isn't an extreme for being a kid and messing up because I'm a kid and kids make mistakes.  I am so grateful everyday that I can dance even though it hurts. Because I love it and it helps me release so does working with horses, I can trust them, I don't know if they know what a broken heart is but I'm sure they've felt it, from me and others and they are full of love and trust. I have to earn their trust and they have mine.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Talk today

I gave a talk on virtue today. If you want to listen (there are pictures of nature and some of me at the very end). I think it's a good talk so feel free to listen, if you don't want to I will not be offended.

Also today which is really tomorrow according to this post I went to the Temple with some friends and it was so good. It was still dark when I came outside at 6:30 so I was sad about that. But Ballet was great today. It was also fantastic on Saturday. A guy taught and it was neat all the things he taught I have a page of things he said that I wrote down after. It's been helping too! I also could bend my foot more then I ever have since my surgery and it was awesome. One of the best classes of my life.  It was really challenging. So Yeah. After that I went horse back riding which was also Amazing! It was great! I love it. It was nice and sunny.

I wrote 7 papers for one of my classes last week (I procrastinated which is a really bad idea). Last night we had family dinner and it was great!

This weekend my ward is singing at the adult session of stake conference. I have laurel and priest lunch tomorrow which is going to be fun! New beginnings is on Wednesday. I think that is most of my life for now but yeah.

I'm really excited for ballet club this Saturday because my friend is teaching! :-)

Monday, February 13, 2012

neer heard that one before

"You made my day stranger you made my day." This is what I got told today. :-) I'm glad I made someones day.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Barn sitting

So I'm doing this internship at a barn and it's great! I'm on to the next level. Barn sitting. So taking care of 9 chickens, 2 horses, 2 geese, 1 cat. It's going to be fun. I'm kind of nervous.

Monday, January 30, 2012

phone pictures

I never realized how many pictures I take on my phone. I take A LOT.  tomorrow is going to be a fun day i get to, go to English, hang out with my friend Jarom and go to the devotional/forum and have lunch, study BoM for test, go to work, take the BoM test.

Also this past weekend I had ballet, I LOVED IT! Me and my friend Efren (spanish name) took the 190/290 and the 291/390 class. although the 291/390 kids haven't been showing up so we pretty much get privates with a member of the Theatre Ballet. We did challenging combination that reminded me of the day when I danced everyday. It felt SO good. I couldn't stop smiling. It was fantastic.

Friday night at work (at the barn) I cleaned a saddle. yeah. I'm slow but thorough , it took 3 hours, it's supposed to take 1. What can I say? It hasn't been cleaned in a year, if it was mine I would have cleaned it the same way. It's beautiful. I don't know if I mentioned I went horses back riding my first day back at work and the Horses were amazing. Polka and I are using a different saddle I think that helped along with the fact there was snow on the ground. She was a champ and was fast walking 80% of the way. oh man I love my job.

Something else I learned this semester is when you get to read like 40 pages of the Book Of Mormon at once this speak to you differently. I felt like I understand more.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

RB is the place to be

so yesterday while I was in the RB I saw 12 people I knew who weren't in my class. That's a lot of people in one building considering BYU has so many students.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

back to the barn

Well I don't know if you'd call it a barn but I do. It's the home to chickens, geese, horses, and a cat. It's the place I call work and I love it.

Also today I had lunch with Eric and Dawn Marie. It was so much fun. We went to Five Guys by University Mall. Talked for 90 minutes. So much fun. :-)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm glad some people know there medical stuff

So Sarah Burke is a professional canadian skier who was in park city last week when she fell coming out of the pipe after doing a trick. she had surgery to connect a vertebral artery, and it says she died of a ruptured artery which cause a cardiac arrest and the lack of oxygen to her brain did serious damage. good thing I asked a girl on facebook if they pulled her off life support (if that's how she died) and she said yes. I'm glad to know having a heart attack and being pulled off life support are the exact same thing.

Monday, January 16, 2012

liberty training

Liberty Training (as defined by Carolyn Resnick) is a method of training a horse in a free environment without tack from the ground in a wide open space large enough for a horse to avoid his training if he wants to.
I think this is pretty awesome. Have you ever wonder how horses in movies do cool stuff, or how people teach horses tricks? Well this is probably the way 80 % of them do it.  Most trainers use 2 whips. 1 is used as a guide to point where to go, the other is used for impulsion. Some people get so good that the slightest movement means something. I think that's crazy. So anyway one day when I get a horse I want to train them like this. 

Talent for losing stuff

So I'm really good at not knowing where my own stuff is especially after I clean my room. I know that might sound weird. My body naturally accommodates the second law of thermodynamics into my everyday life and surroundings. I don't usually lose other peoples stuff. I guess I just get bugged when I'm blamed for losing something I haven't even touched. e.g., my mom's nice material cutting scissors (I haven't cute material in like 1.5 years. I told her the other day I have no idea where they are and I haven't used them, Today my dad "lost" his tape, and stapler (they were on his desk where he left them) , then my mom goes back on her "where are my scissors?" I have no idea. Yet they don't believe me, even though right after my dad blamed me he pointed out "they're right where I (he) left them." Oh well. I guess I'm really good at unknowingly losing other peoples stuff.

Anyway I really like my English class this semester and I get to start working with the ponies again which I'm SUPER EXCITED about.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

1st ever vlog. It's about War Horse

Anyway little know fact. 14 horses play Joey the main horse is nameed Finder he is actually a horse of the horse masters Bobby Lovgren who bought him after he trained him for Seabiscuit. also in the movie I loved the horse guy for the germans.
here are some cool links about the movie.,,20556523,00.html,,20555266,00.html,,20395222_20559774,00.html

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So I really enjoy food.

I learned that although the couches in the new wing of the Tanner building are very comfortable when you're trying to study The Book of Mormon and food smells keep wafting out of the elevator, it's kind of hard to focus especially when hungry. I remember someone telling me that there was a restaurant somewhere in this building, and the food smelled so good so I looked it up on the computer and went to find out. I asked for directions. I got a pulled pork sandwich, which I normally just have a bread and the pork. No at "blue line" it's like fancy sourdough bread, swiss cheese, cole slaw, pork and this weird orange ranch stuff. I don't like cole slaw but I got everything else. I'm currently sitting outside my classroom for my next class at 4. I was again reminded why I don't usually eat in front of people because food should be enjoyed and not prettily eaten, small proportioned bites, table manners. Which I always feel obligated to do when I'm around people. So I ate half of my sandwich in 2-3 minutes. Last half took about 7 minutes. But I was starving. So I ate it. Besides that and the protein (cliff) bar I had this morning I'm doing pretty well. Also had some hot chocolate and some wheat thins.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thought I was sore before

Oh man, I am so sore. I guess that just means I'm using my muscles. Yesterday in ballet we did retires, attitudes, frappe, more plies, battement lent (lifting your leg forever) and a bunch of other stuff. My back muscles, upper leg, and gluteus hurt, along with some of my stomach muscles. I can barely walk and I probably look really weird when I do. Tomorrow we are going to be doing grand battements, and start working in center. We have to stand alphabetical this week at the barre and I'm in the middle of the role so I stand on the edge of one barre but it's near the corner and another girl dances on the barre, and in order for our legs not to touch I either have to go below her or above her.  I try to go above. I stretched after class and was surprised I still have my splits mostly down. Probably like 2-3 inches off the ground. Side straddles are a different story. When we did élevés yesterday the teacher made me turn in more because my left leg was shaking. my legs usually shake, she thought it was because I am over rotating my legs and I'm rolling on the ball of my foot. that's not it. I couldn't bent my foot for like 3-5 months so my muscles are weak and not used to moving. which is a disadvantage. It's a good class. I feel bad i keep getting annoyed when people in my class ask questions I know the answer to. I have to remind myself it's a beginning class and I was there once too. So yeah.

Monday, January 9, 2012

sleep is for the weak?

Well someone somewhere said "sleep is for the weak." If this is true then I am weak but my body doesn't seem to agree. I can't fall asleep at night. This morning I wasn't really even tired till 2:30 and even then I made myself go to bed to get at least 4 of sleep before my 6:45 wake up call. I could barely sleep. Anyway the semester has started and it's good. I'm dancing, and doing science, exploring career options, studying the BoM, learning more ASL, and writing. (so it turns out when half your ward is BYU professors it's easy to snag a class with them) Last semester I had a class from my amazing home teacher and a class from a guy who's son is on the stake youth committee with me, a math class from a guy who used to teach at Timpview (local high school) who is also friends with my brother-in-law, and the TA for that class was good friends/related to some of my good friends, my Chem TA is from Idaho and knows my cousins. I feel like it's a small world is really one of the best statements when you find out people you know, know other people you know.
This semester I have 2 classes from people in my ward. BoM and Writing. I have 3 female teachers and 2 males teachers. 1 of which is korean and deaf. But yeah. This is going to be an interesting semester.

P.S. (did you know that stands for Post Script?) ballet is kicking my butt.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

first day

Have you ever said to yourself "Today is the first day, it's an easy class,  we're going to go slow, this will be easy"? Well yesterday I kept saying that to myself about my ballet class.  Well that came back to me. oh man, we started with our feet parallel and did port de bras, yeah we have to hold in second fir like 5 minutes. I don't remember holding that position that long ever. maybe I'm a wuss because I haven't danced in like 18 months. But seriously. then she made us élevé (going up on the balls of your feet, like 3/4 point, or like wearing really high heels without the shoe) in parallel and hold that for like 2 minutes. I told her the first day I had trouble with my 3/4 pointe because I had foot surgery and she came up to me and made me like stick my chest so far out I felt like I was falling over, and I couldn't hold up on élevé  because I cant bend my foot. So I kept falling off it and I was clenching my fist cause it hurt so bad. I can't bend my foot that far yet, let alone with half my weight on it. But I felt better because I bought this smoking hot leotard (pictured here).
But the problem is, it isn't BYU approved right off the bat. We had some black mesh and this is a leotard that is cute, comfortable and made by my favorite leo company. So I got creative. (I'll try to get a better picture)
We had to add some to the back too. I know the front mesh slants. It was a little loose so my mom stitched one side by had (the right one) and when she did she sewed the material like 1/2 inch below where it was originally sewn. But she worked so hard and I didn't want to say anything. But my teacher said she liked my leotard which isn't plain and boring as you can see.

Oh I felt super smart too because I knew all the words the teacher was saying too. And She asked if anyone new what a sur le cou-de-pied battement serre which pretty much is just beating your foot from around your ankle to had the back of your heel touching your calf in a repetitive motion. I was the only one who knew what it was and I felt so smart.

anyway apparently I like tight petoralis major muscles which is why it felt like I was falling over. I asked my chiropractor.  So he showed me this nifty stretch. anyway I'm really sore.

On a different note now I have times in which I have to wake up by in order to keep my bedroom door. On mon/wed/fri I have to be to school by 7:45 so I have to get up at 6:45. On tues/thur(sat) I have a class at 9:30 but I have to be up by 8. Sundays I have to be up by 9 (church doesn't even start till 11, I argued for 9:30). So I got woken up this morning by my dad holding my foot, yeah standing at the end of my bed holding my foot I had surgery on. It scared me.

So needless to say "it is the first day it's going to be easy." Who was I kidding? myself apparently. So it was a good day. I got my car fixed too (my back up light was burned out), and I got to walk to get it. campus isn't that far from the automotive shop. it was sunny and fantastic.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

while I was not sleeping

Well according to my dad I was supposed to be asleep at midnight. oops. So now I'm putting "stick it" on to my computer. that movie is great. The lead actress is in a Canadian show called "Rookie Blue" it's about cops. it's cool. I love crime shows so it's good. The first day of classes was great. I'm so drained so I don't know why I'm still awake.  One thing I heard last semester that I want to try to do this semester is do all the homework the weekend before the weeks it's due. hopefully that makes sense/since. My brain is dead. peace out.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Party Time!

Have I ever mentioned when all my family gets together it's a HUGE party? Well if not, I'm saying it now. Here are some of the things I did over break.
Went bowling with dad, Jamie & Andrew.
Andrew wrote funny messages while he was working such as e.g. Mike cried during Twilight!
Partied with these cute little ladies.
Cutie pants!
They're SO CUTE!!!
Also with this little man!
Partied with the Burbank Roans!
 Checked out Tay's new shirt "guns don't kill people, dads with pretty daughters kill people."
 Little Z
 Building stuff
 Dad telling stories about his surprising adolesence after Tay & Kana had lunch with Gma and asked "what storied can you tell us that we can use as black mail?" So he told the ones Gma never found out about.
 Playing Telephone
 With Andrew & Jamie "ok, bye again." Then laughing.
 Check out Richards new facial hairs!
 Jamie playing hand telephone.
 what Jamie wants her family to look like.
 Emily doing something to make Jamie laugh.
Emily chooses Andrew over Jamie. BAM

Me, Andrew & Jamie Having fun.

Had SO much fun this break!