Friday, July 8, 2016

More Strivings Within

This week has been a good week. Things will be a bit out of order.

I started my Thursday temple shift this week. I just love the temple.

I got to read scriptures with Janet again. We only have one more chapter in the book of Moses, then we're moving onto Abraham. If you haven't read it recently, I would encourage it. There are some great gems in Moses.

Wednesday I was sick of being at home, so I went to the farm for a few hours. I don't think I was helpful in any way. The fresh air was great though.

Tuesday I woke up with a HUGE blister on my hand so that persisted Wednesday and Thursday. I still was able to help in the Baptistry, which I love. I was so tired I came home and took a long nap.

Monday I went and talked with the people who owned the car. They were very nice and concerned about my safety above that of their car. Which was nice of them. Their car is a totaled.

Saturday I went to the barn again and I was able to get some horses out. Because if my 3 shifts at the temple I had to figure out something for my hand. I did! It worked marvelously Friday at the temple and Saturday at the barn.

I was also glad to hang out with Emily. We are horse loving buddies.
(Don't mind my weird face)

We also got to get some horses ready for a ride. That was enjoyable. 

And after SEVEN long months of being home and attending church and still feeling awkward. The last month or so I was recruited into primary to help with singing time. I have been called to teach CTR 5 and I'm SO excited! These valiant spirits are teaching me so much. I made the worst mistake and forgot to bring a snack... haha. They didn't die from starvation as they claimed they would. My lap was quite occupied today as well. I've never seen someone looked so concerned to see if my lap was occupied, before seeing it empty, running back and climbing on me at a very fast speed. I love primary and I'm so excited to work with these kids. Today we did 4 coloring pages during our class. I'm excited for the future.