Saturday, November 19, 2011

Emotionally drained

I am so emotionally drained right now. Not going to lie, I woke up at 8:30 went to a chem review, came home and watched netflix majority of the day. watched some emotional movies which didn't help. besides the fact that prescription pain killers make me really emotional. I get to wear my boot again because my foot doesn't fit in a shoe. a lot of drama has gone into my regents scholarship. I;m moving on with my life. If you want to watch a good movie (it's emotional, at least i was emotional) it's called "listen to your heart" you can watch the trailer (<-) here.  


  1. Sorry Sam! We love you and hope all is well. SO glad you are working with horses again. HOW COOL!

  2. Hey Shi, It's working out. Yeah I love them so much!! I think it runs in the family.
