Monday, April 11, 2011

dont look at the camera: pretend it's not there

So today I went to seminary in Virginia. Yeah the 2 hour time difference and it's 6:30 in the morning. what was I thinking? Well I love seminary, church, friends and feeling peace. I also love the feel of early morning e.g., birds singing, slight breeze, chilled air, the crisp no one's awake feel. Although I did see the same man running in a bright green jacket this morning going, and coming from seminary. GO HIM! He even said hello, both times. Well I got to seminary and one of my friends is in a film class so she had to film class. it was interesting. They have a seminary room in the meeting house which was interesting. So I guess they meet in the chapel but the girl said we couldn't record in the chapel so we went to the classroom. So the camera is set up and her sister comes in and is saying how she's a senior and can do whatever she wants and how she doesn't have to go to school in may then the sister who's recording says "the camera is ____ (a synonym for recording)" I start laughing because she was saying like the funniest things... The girl next to her says "wait you mean it's been recording the whole time?" and she says, "yeah." Oh man, I laughed so hard! It was the funniest thing ever, and no one wanted to participate because anytime you stood up in the front the camera was staring straight at you from the back of the room. And so she would always say, "don't look at the camera" or, "pretend it's not there." But here sister and the girl sitting next to her kept talking and so the girl went back and asked them to be quiet so the tape could hear the class, and then the sister whispered really loud, "sorry" to the camera and the girl sat back down. The the sister dropped something and stood up and looked through the camera and said sorry into it in a comedic way. I love these girls they are great!

Seminary was great too! We talked about Doctrine and Covenants 136. The saints moving to Utah, and Brigham young receiving his first revelation after being prophet. We talked about the Mormon Battalion, which was news to me. I love seminary! It's so much fun. Even when you're really tired and your barely awake but you're trying so hard to be there.

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