Friday, September 16, 2011

an eventful morning

So today I had a class at 8, so i got up at 7 took a shower and wrapped my foot in record time. Then I had 20 to be to class. So when I went to campus the other night of a chem review I found a lot of handicapped parking stalls in the david o mackay building parking lot. which is super close to the JSB and BNSN. So i had my first class in the JSB. So I got to the parking gate (the one where they let you drive west to south to east of campus) and all I had to do was show them my BYU id and my Handicap parking dangley thing. (thanks to the lady who told me it had to be registered in my name at the BYU police station) and they let me right on through. I got to park within a minute walk from my class instead having to make it there from the JKB/Alum building parking lot. and I snagged the last handicap stall.

on the way out of class I went to find my keys. no where to be found. So I walk back to the car and sure thing I left them in the ignition. Way to go me (thankfully I had turned the car off and locked to doors). and Since you can no longer call BYU police to jimmy your car, I called good ole dad. who brought me the spare key (which I had to convince him to bring then and not when my all classes got out later because I don't like carrying around all my books when I can lock them in the trunk and switch them out in between classes). So I got the key. needless to say it only took 3 months 10 days to lock myself out of the car.

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